Here are a few tips for easing fall allergy symptoms: Stay indoors with the doors and windows closed when pollen is at its peak (10 am to 3 pm). To keep track of the pollen count in your area, visit the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology web site. Before you turn your heat on for the first time, have your heating ducts cleaned. Particles of mold and other allergens can become trapped in the vents over the summer and will fill the air as soon as you crank up the furnace. Use a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your heating system to remove pollen, mold, and other particles from the air. Use a humidifier to keep your air at between 35% and 50% humidity. Wear a mask when you rake leaves, to avoid inhaling mold spores. Take a shower after spending time outside. Don’t hang sheets and clothing outside to dry.

Water Damage Services

Nevada Mold is properly equipped to handle all aspects of a water emergency including flood, broken pipes, roof leaks, sewage backups and more. Our lead technicians are all trained to properly evaluate the best procedures to facilitate the "Dry Down" of a structure. including content manipulation, wet drywall and flooring removal as needed. Our vehicles are equipped with truck mounted water extractors, air movers, dehumidifiers and all necessary equipment to remedy any water removal emergency.

Inspection and Assessment
Water Removal (Extraction)
Dehumidification and Drying Services
Controlled Demolition
Less Destructive Drying Methods (Makes Rebuilding Fast and Cost Effective)
Customized File Documentation
Trained Courteous Technicians .